How To Buy $FOMO (On Uniswap)
To buy $FOMO on Uniswap, first two things you will need are: An Ethererum wallet and some Ethereum in the wallet.
After setting up your wallet on MetaMask
Send $ETH to your MetaMask wallet address
Copy your Metamask wallet address. You can find it at the top of MetaMask screen
Every time you copy and paste an Ethereum address, remember and check that the first 6 characters and last 3/4 characters and ensure they are correct
Buy some Ethereum in your exchange of choice(Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin, etc) — accounting for Gas / Transaction fees
In the exchange where you are purchasing $ETH, find the Withdraw option. Select Ethereum, select the send option and then paste your Ethereum MetaMask address
Buy On Uniswap
Now you have $ETH in your Metamask wallet, you are ready to buy $FOMO!
Go to Uniswap and Launch the app.
Connect your MetaMask wallet to the Uniswap app
Search / import the $FOMO token by either a) Pasting the $FOMO token contract address b) Managing and then importing the $FOMO Token Address ($FOMO token address: 0xb0cfb062dE74F0410430a37305b878B7ad65903b)
Select the amount of $ETH you want to spend and you will see the amount of $FOMO this will be converted into e.g. 0.5 $ETH → 2657.96 $FOMO. Click Swap.
Metamask will open a new window and ask you for confirmation. Confirm. Then wait until the transaction is complete
If everything is correct, you will see the new coins you bought in the bottom Balance.
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Last updated